Ontario, Canada
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action, architecture, attraction, bear skins, bearskins, black, blue sky, building, capital city, capital of Canada, Canada, canadian, Canadian Houses of Parliament, Center Block, Centre Block, Central Canada, ceremonial, ceremonial guard, ceremonies, ceremony, changing of the guard, cities, city, clock tower, color, colour, copper roofs, copper rooves, copy space, day, daytime, environment, events, federal government, government, government building, grass, group, hats, head coverings, helmets, heritage, historic, historical, history, icon, iconic, image, landmark, lawn, legislative building, marching, men, military, national capital, North America, ON, Ontario, Ottawa, outdoors, outside, parade, Parliament Building, Parliament Hill, Peace Tower, people, performing, photo, picture, precision, red, red serge, red tunics, repetition, rows, scene, scenic, side by side, similarity, soldier, standing, stepping, structure, summer season, sunny, synchronization, tourist attraction, tower, tradition, traditional clothing, troops, uniform, view, walking, West Block, horizontal