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![Annual Adams River Sockeye Salmon Run (Oncorhynchus nerka), Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park near Salmon Arm, BC, British Columbia, Canada - Dead Fish rotting along Shore of Shuswap Lake - note dead fish floating on water](https://www.guntermarx-stockphotos.com/img-get/I00002Y.Cas3BLDE/s/750/750/Sockeye-Salmon-Run-SAL-0919.jpg)
Annual Adams River Sockeye Salmon Run (Oncorhynchus nerka), Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park near Salmon Arm, BC, British Columbia, Canada - Dead Fish rotting along Shore of Shuswap Lake - note dead fish floating on water
Copyright © Gunter Marx Stock Photos. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED by the Copyright Holder. 5936x3973 / 7.0MB
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Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park, Salmon, Provincial Parks, BC, Thompson Okanagan Region, BC, Adams River Salmon Run, Marine Life - Animals, Fish, & Plants
Adams River, adult, annual, attraction, autumn season, BC, British Columbia, Canada, canadian, Chase, color, colour, day, dead, death, decay, decaying, decompose, decomposing, environment, events, fall season, fish, fishes, floating, fresh water, freshwater, freshwater fish, group, Haig Brown, Haig-Brown, image, lakes, life cycle, lifecycle, lifeless, many, mature, migrating, migration, migratory, natural, nature, nobody, North America, Oncorhynchus nerka, outdoor, outside, Pacific Northwest, photo, picture, pile, Provincial Park, red, returning, rivers, Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park, rot, rotten, rotting, salmon, Salmon Arm, salmon run, shore, Shuswap, Shuswap Lake, smell, smelling, smelly, sockeye salmon, spawn, spawning, stink, stinking, stinky, struggle, Thompson Okanagan, Thompson Region, tourist attraction, tradition, traditional, washed up, water, Western Canada, wild, horizontal