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Historic, Yukon Territory, Canada, Flowers & Flower Gardens, Transportation, Tourism / Ecotourism Industry, Historic Transportation, Flower Gardens
1900s, 20th century, 20th-century, attraction, boat, Canada, canadian, clouds, cloudy, color, colour, day, daytime, environment, flowers, garden, heritage, historic, historical, history, image, landmark, landscape, marine, museum, National Historic Site, nobody, north, North America, Northern Canada, old, outdoor, outside, overcast, paddleboat, paddle steamer, paddle wheeler, paddlewheeler, photo, picture, restored, scene, ship, sign, signage, SS Klondike, S.S. Klondike National Historic Site, steam boat, steamboat, steamer, steamwheeler, sternwheeler, summer season, sunny, tourist attraction, transportation, view, Whitehorse, wood, wooden, Yukon Territory, YT, horizontal