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Cowboy bathing in Bathtub Wood Carving, and Old Wagon Carriage recycled for reuse as Flower Garden, Cariboo Chilcotin Region, BC, British Columbia, Canada, Summer
Copyright © Gunter Marx Stock Photos. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED by the Copyright Holder. 5920x3973 / 5.2MB
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Cowboys & Cowgirls, Wagons, Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Region, BC, Historic, Environment: Conservation, Pollution, Recycling, Flowers & Flower Gardens, Artwork, Banners, & Signs, Historic Transportation, Recycling / Recycled Objects, Flower Gardens
art, artwork, artistic, bath, bath brush, bathbrush, bath tub, bathtub, bathing, BC, British Columbia, Canada, canadian, Cariboo Chilcotin, carriage, carving, color, colour, conservation, container, cowboy, cowboy boots, cowboy hat, creative, day, duck, duckie, eco, eco friendly, ecology, environment, environmental, environmental movement, environmentally friendly, flowers, garden, go green, green movement, industry, landscape, nobody, North America, old, outdoor, recycle, reuse, salvage, scrap, summer season, sunny, unusual, used, vehicle, wagon, wagon wheel, waste management, West Coast, Western Canada, wood, wood carving, woodcarving, wooden, horizontal